Sunday, September 4, 2016

POIS (Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) Cure:

POIS (Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) Natural/Holistic/Alternative Treatment
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor.
In my opinion, the main three causes of POIS are: toxic metals/chemicals, low blood sugar and adrenal fatigue
When a body is full of toxic metals/chemicals and a person has an orgasm or does heavy exercise, the adrenals (whose function is to help the body/liver deal with stress, detoxification and maintain blood sugar balance) get overloaded with all the awakened toxins after the orgasm/heavy exercise and cannot help the body/liver detox any more so the body gets overwhelmed with toxins and blood sugar also drops and the person starts feeling sick/POIS symptoms.
1. You may benefit from a toxic metal detox:
Drink these supplements every morning for a few days and see if you start feeling better after an orgasm or heavy exercise. Take daily prescribed amounts listed on each supplements package. Start with a small dosage and then increase. If these supplements cause a lot of metals and chemicals to leave your body at once and make you feel sick, weak, etc. then just lower the dosage. 
The best is to make a smoothie with all of the ingredients below and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Try not to drink the smoothie later in the day because it may cause fermentation in your stomach (stomach issues) which can slow down your digestion and that is not good for a detox. Also, stop the detox if you do not have at least 1 bowel movement per day. 
Detox Smoothie: 
- Water or coconut water 
- Bananas 
- Wild blueberries 
- Add any other fruit if taste isn't great 
- Chlorella 
- Spirulina 
- Charcoal 
- Zeolite 
- A handful of Cilantro leaves or Cilantro tincture 
- Organic barley grass juice powder 
- Atlantic Dulse
Take as many of these supplements as you can find and not just a few of them because some of them are great in waking up and taking the toxins out of our tissues but are not good in attaching to them and taking the toxins out of the body so if you only take a few of these supplements, you may extract the toxins out of your tissues but they will then stay in your body and not get excreted out of the body and this will make you feel sick. You need to take ALL or at least most of the listed supplements so that some of them wake up the toxins in your body and others take them out of the body. Do not stress if you can't find all of the listed supplements, just do your best.
Also, don't forget to sip a lot of water all day and night since you are detoxing all the stuff out of you. Sip water frequently (instead of drinking a lot of water all at once since that can dilute the acidity of your stomach and mess up your digestion).
Side note: If you have an orgasm or heavy exercise in the morning, try splitting your detox smoothie into two cups and drink one cop right after orgasm/heavy exercise and the second cup 2 hours later. A theory here is that your body will keep waking and releasing all the toxins from your tissues 2 hours after the orgasm/heavy exercise so you want to catch all those toxins with the second detox smoothie cup and get them out of your body. After that second cup you can have breakfast. It is a bit annoying but it could help you avoid that delayed POIS effect that sometimes hits the body a few hours after an orgasm or heavy exercise.
2. If your blood sugar drops immediately after an orgasm, your adrenals are probably struggling to maintain the blood sugar balance since they are exhausted dealing with all the toxins leaving the body after an orgasm or heavy exercise. So maybe try these things right after an orgasm: 
a. Eat a bit of sweet milk chocolate (1-2 rows, not too much to avoid spiking your blood sugar too high) or any other sweet/candy/fruit/maple syrup/coconut sugar that you digest well and then drink a few sips of water. This can significantly help you digest food better.  
b. Drink 1 dropperful of Dr Schulze's Heart Formula - (I think it helps regulate blood sugar, amongst other heart and blood functions) with a few sips of water. c. Go for walks a 2-3 times a day.
Additionally, to improve digestion, you could try taking all major complex carbs out of your diet (such as rice, bread, gluten-free bread and pasta, any other kind of breads and pastas, chips, crackers, potatoes, yams, etc.). Start eating only meat/red meat/fish/eggs and vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, asparagus, etc.) followed by 1-2 bites of milk chocolate/sweet/candy/maple syrup/coconut sugar. The sugar boost from these sweets at then end of the meal may enable you to digest your food much better.
3. For Adrenal Fatigue these might help:
- Ashwaganda (but probably just add it to your smoothie or eat it with a meal since it can be harsh on the stomach; also do not take more than prescribed on the label because it can cause huge stomach issues.)
- Drink water (but not too close before the meal or too much after a meal to avoid lowering your stomach acid that you need to digest food). Better to sip water all day and night frequently than to drink a lot of water at once.
- Find it out if you have digestive issues like SIBO and fix them (you may need to avoid gluten, nuts, milk and cheese [milk chocolate might be fine], etc.).
- Only light exercise since heavy exercise can cause your adrenals to get depleted quickly.
- Get enough sleep. Do not stay up late at night.
- Get sun exposure.
- Avoid stress. Meditate when you can.
- Also Dr. Lam is an expert in Adrenal Fatigue and could help:

I hope this helps! 
Email me at if you have any comments or questions. 
Date of the most recent article update: 7/30/2023

1 comment:

  1. Hii bro i think I m also suffering from pois i wanna cure it
    Bro can you tell me your overall symptoms that you had because of pois it will really help me please bro please bro

    Please bro please reply please reply please reply
